
How To Prepare Your Company to Adopt New ICT Training Tools and Formats

Written by Isatel | Feb 6, 2023 3:55:38 PM

You may have to deal with some challenges involving the adjustment to a new way of carrying out the training. For example: 

  • Low rate of training completion 
  • Your team prioritizing work tasks above training 
  • Not meeting your team’s training expectations 
  • Not considering your team’s learning style 

In order to ease the adaptation process of your staff, you should prepare your team for the training before it starts. 


5 ways to prepare your team for your upcoming training processes

Remember that your attendees are the protagonists of the training, that’s why you should consider ways to get them onboard with the idea of new formats and training tools. For instance, the  performance of your team after the training will improve if you guarantee their completion and in the long run it will help you achieve your company’s goals. 


1. Schedule training activities 

Plan when the training will take place, as well as the activities and tools that will be part of it. Hence, your team must accommodate the rest of their requirements according to the time of training. This way you may avoid your attendees missing the training process because of other commitments, because we know that technical professionals have tight schedules and specific tasks that need to be covered when it's required. 

You can send an email or share an online calendar that your team will be able to access. Also, recommend your team set notifications in order to remember when the training will be happening. 


2. Communicate organizational training objectives 

Be clear about why your company needs to carry out training. By doing so, your team will understand why it is important and how it will affect their performance moving forward. If they can see the benefits in the long run, they may feel more motivated in completing the process. 


3. Get feedback early on 

Talk with the training attendees and ask how the process has been developed. Does the instructor have the experience necessary? Is the content being delivered according to what has been planned? Are your attendees having trouble with any topic? Are the methods the right ones for your attendees' way of learning? 

When you have feedback, you are able to determine whether  changes are needed, such as changing the instructor or ensuring the training methodology that has been delivered is right for the participants. 


4. Consider training incentives and celebrate your team’s milestones 

Even if you are working with computers and other digital devices, your staff are still human beings. At some point, we expect benefits in exchange for something else, and it is a good strategy to keep your team motivated into completing the training process. It can be as simple as a gift card and getting early out of work. Think about your employees and what will keep them motivated.

A good time to offer these incentives to your team is when they complete milestones. This can also help to illustrate the progress your team has made with the training. 


5. Pick the right format for training 

Not all people learn the same way, and that’s why it is necessary to think about the attendees and to determine how the information will be better retained. This applies to the material too. For instance, a theoretical on-site presentation about a new tool is less effective than a  simulation of it that allows the participants to experiment with the system they’ll be using. Especially at a technical level where the systems are very specific for every solution or manufacturer. 

Adopting new formats and training  tools doesn’t need to be complicated for the attendees, as it can be beneficial for the development of the training. Hands-on experiments and simulations allow your team to face similar situations to those they’ll have to deal with once the new software, process, or system that your company is implementing comes into place. 


Why a third-party provider can ease the adaptation process 

The best way to ensure successful training is to have a properly structured plan accompanied by a proven methodology. A third-party provider has the expertise to identify what your company needs for its training and to give you insights into how to prepare your team for it. 

At Isatel Group we develop a training plan according to your goals and objectives, as well as the reality of your company’s needs. Our instructors are prepared to deliver training based on your requirements and have the teaching experience to determine what is the ideal methodology for the attendees. 

We have been an ally for many It and Telecommunications companies, who has given us the experience to provide the best service for you, solve your doubts and have the right approach of the content for your attendees.