
How to Complete User Training for Your Telecom and IT Company's growth

Written by Isatel | Jan 9, 2023 5:53:30 PM

That’s why properly training new users and partners is key for your company’s success, by aligning the partners with the company and its Telecom and IT solutions. As the need for proper use of technologies increases, you must guarantee that your assistants acquired the skills demanded to handle the company’s solutions in an efficient and effective manner. 

The right training is the basis to achieve the technological literacy of your team. In order to help you carry out this task successfully, we have identified 4 stages in the training path. 


Stage 1: Discovery


What training certifications does your team need? 

To start your telecom and IT training, you need context. First, determine what training or certifications your team needs. You may face one of these scenarios: 

  • Is your team starting a new project in which they’ll use new software?
  • Is your company switching to another system?
  • Is your current system experiencing a major update?
  • Are there new people on your team who haven't used your system before?
  • Is a new team joining your project?

Knowing what is demanded helps you trace a route with the right content, as it depends on the skills that are needed, the type of training, and the certifications your team would have to take. 

Set the goals 

In this stage  you need to establish what your training objectives are, what you want to accomplish with this process is the foundation of the design for your staff’s learning path. 

Focus on your  trainees

In the end your team may be the ultimate target of some Telecom and IT training, you need to take a look at what their needs are and what prior knowledge they may have. These factors will heavily influence the resources, topics, and approach of training for your staff.The resources requested by the training depend on the staff’s’ familiarity with the technology being used. 

Have you determined how busy your team is? Doing so will help you establish the best time to schedule training as well as the methodology that better blends with their routine. 

Knowing your team helps determine the best path for them, as the complexity and time of the training depend on it. 


Stage 2: Planning 

When you have the information about the training requirements, you can start setting the path for it. 

How will you measure the success of the training? 

To know if the training was successful, first you need to establish  key metrics to evaluate training effectiveness. It can be the time that it took the team to acquire the technical proficiency, how skillful they are with the system, and if they can assist coworkers with the software. you can monitor the impact of performance metrics, such as 

  • Net promoter score
  • Learner satisfaction rate 
  • Learner retention
  • ROI of the training 
  • Course completion rate 

Determine which of these metrics will give you the right insights. You don’t need to measure all of them. 


Develop a detailed training program 

By having a comprehensive structure, you can avoid skills gaps that would result in mistakes after the program is completed. Don’t miss any of the areas that need to be covered to provide your staff with the required knowledge. 

The right instructor is the key 

Select capable, experienced instructors. Maybe your IT specialist is good at their job, but they don’t have teaching experience. The way that the information is imparted, guarantees the learning. For an efficient training, you need both: teaching abilities and technology expertise. 

When will the training be completed?

When planning the program, you need to set realistic deadlines. This is why knowing the time availability of your team is important; if the training is addressed to a department with a stretch deadline for their daily basis tasks, you need to be realistic about when the training will be completed. 

Furthermore, setting a conclusion date will keep your team motivated and to establish clear expectations for them. 

What kind of resources do you need to support the training?

Determine what technology this type of training requires and who can provide it, for example, videos, on-screen guidance, or remote labs. If you have the material and assets but they need to be adapted or otherwise modified, find a provider 

Or, maybe you’ll need to develop training materials, as you’ll be implementing a new process, a new software or a new system, or, because you are going to address to a new public or market. 

Does your team need prior adaptation?

Before implementing the Telecom and IT training, think about how you’ll prepare your team. Perhaps you’ll have to send an email notifying time and dates or schedule a meeting prior to the implementation of the new system. 


Stage 3: Implementing 

Ensure knowledge retention 

Make sure you stick to the training plan. In order to accomplish your objectives, you need to trust your planning. If prior to implementing you got to know what you need to cover, how much time your team has and what their base knowledge is , then the training will fill any gaps your trainees may have. Don’t try to improvise and cover unnecessary subjects. 

During the period of training, make sure you make the learning resources available to your team. For example, a PowerPoint presentation, videos, audios, whitepapers, or e-books; use platforms that your team can access. 


Encourage the training  integration 

Your team may have doubts about the applications of the knowledge learned during the training sessions and their daily tasks, and in case one of your team members needs to ask the instructor about orientation, there has to be a support channel available. 

Also, think about training incentives for your staff that can keep them motivated to minimize the training dropping rate. You can make a scoreboard for completion of training, a certification, or any other benefits for your team. 


Stage 4: Regroup

Ask for feedback about the training and instructors so you can pass it on. It's important to consider the experience of the people that took the training, by doing so you can get insights on how to develop your certifications. You can ask the following questions: 


  •  What could be improved? Is there something that needs to get better for future experiences, for example, an improved worksheet, a video, an explanation, or maybe the methodology used wasn't the best for the team? 
  • Did they encounter any problems during training? Either the complexity of the content, low rate of approval, or problems with the schedule. 
  • Was the syllabus what they expected? Or did it leave out an important topic?
  • Which aspects did they find challenging or perhaps too basic? Did the content of the training level up with their previous knowledge? 


Why Should You Hire Third-party ICT Training?

The focus of a third-party ICT training provider is to develop tailored training for your team. Contrary to having an IT employee training other members of your organization, who probably has other tasks and responsibilities, for a service provider, the commitment is entirely to the learning experience. 

The design of the syllabus and the implementation of the training are based on the needs that your team has, as they would minimize the content gaps, and are cost and time effective. An experienced solutions provider will determine the requirements and will make sure the deadlines are met. 

A solutions provider such as Isatel is backed by more than 10,000 days of training, which gives you the guarantee of expert instructors, who are in constant update in the software or system that your team is using and developing. 

Achieve the maximum potential of your team with Isatel!